Atelier Groupe Ouest Développement 2019

Atelier Grand Nord lauréat 2020

Soutien MEDIA / Mesures compensatoires suisses 2021



François Yang

 Fiction – Drame

Dans une région reculée de montagne, Julia, 35 ans, ingénieure ambitieuse et mordue de travail, accepte de diriger un chantier controversé afin de se rapprocher de son fils. Elle s’attire les foudres d’un groupe de jeunes écologistes qui lui révèlent un scandale environnemental. Décriée par son propre fils, elle remet en question son mode de vie…

In a remote mountain region, Julia, 35, an ambitious engineer, agrees to manage a controversial construction site in order to be closer to her son. She attracts the wrath of a group of young environmentalists who reveal an environmental scandal. Disliked by her own son, she questions her way of life…

Francois Yang was born in Fribourg (Switzerland) and graduated from the cinema department of ECAL (Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne / University of Art and Design, Lausanne), in 2003. He completed his education at la Fémis (French national film school) and earned a master’s degree in cinema from University de Paris VIII. After having directed several short film, among other “One magic evening”, he directed his first feature film  “The Soul of the Tiger“, which premiered at the Zurich film festival.

He has also directed several documentaries, which were shown on primetime on the Swiss television channel, on TV5 Monde, France Television, RTBF and among others, in the festival “Visions du Réel”, in Nyon.

Filmographie /Filmography (selection)

2019: Heidi en Chine (Heidi in China) – documentary, 80′
2016: L’âme du tigre – (The Soul of the Tiger) – feature, 91′
2014: Mooncake – short film 14′




Réalisation : François Yang

Scénario : François Yang,

Paul Choquet

Consultante : Catherine Léger